Mental well-being for your
startup team

Give your startup team a healthy mental bandwidth & enhance their productivity 

Have you noticed this in your team?

Rage Issues

Inappropriate display of anger in the workplace can cause a hostile environment in the company

Frequent Leaves 

This results in slow & inconsistent progress. 

Creative Blockages

When one is unable to come up with innovative ideas & solutions, it impacts their morale

A healthy mental bandwidth is what your team members need

Gives them creative room and hence enhance the overall productvity of your team. 

Help Us Help You And Your Team Members 

Show your people their needs come first and they are valued.

Make mental health of your employees a priority 

Employees of your startup will find the right care in as little as two minutes from vetted mental health professionals 

More Retention 

More retention leads to lesser changes, better trust and happier teams. Employees feel better and thrive.

Enhanced Productivity 

It boosts morale & pushes employees to enhance & upskill themselves as the company flourishes.

Better Company Culture 

When you empathize with your team members, it gives them a healthy work culture to embraces & excel. 

Industry Leaders Backing Us

Monika Singh MindFry Testimonial

Our mental & emotional health affects How we think , behave or act. And it is also important at every stage of life from childhood - teenhood to adulthood. 

Unaddressed mental health issue can have a negative influence & impact on people’s lives. But having a support system, community and a place to open your heart & speak, can make a huge difference. And I am really impressed how is offering a space for everyone to actually talk about it without any fear, shame or being judged. Best Wishes ❤

Monika Singh

Founder, Magical Minds Academy

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Travelling with you in your mental health pursuit. ♥

MindFry by Tyrow Technologies Private Limited